Lancaster Spirits Co. Vodka

From Grain to Glass

Our entire production process is considered, meticulously planned and time consuming. We patiently take every step at the right moment, never rushing to cut corners.

Everything begins at our sister company, Lancaster Brewery, where they produce the wash needed for all of our spirits.

Our Single Malt Whisky, Gin & Vodkas are all produced from three ingredients, Grain, Yeast & Water.


The pure, soft water, drawn from The Bowland Well borehole, is essential to our distilling process. It provides unparalleled yet consistent quality and character to all of our spirits.


Here at LSCo we use combination of wheat & rye to produce a full-bodied complex spirit.


We combine the brewery's 200-year old live brewing yeast to facilitate a slow fermentation that creates complex fruity esters within our spirits.


Lancastrian Spirit

All of our spirits are carefully brewed, distilled and conditioned to our exacting standards - From grain to glass.

Each bottle of our spirits are bottled & labelling by hand.

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